We are located in a major university nexus.

We use human translators recruited from these campuses who have demonstrable skills in your choice of languages and your particular industry.

We believe that this is the best way to ensure that not only the words are translated but also the underlying message.
Therefore, we charge for this service by the hour, not by the page or word.

Please supply us with a sample (or better yet, the complete content) of your message so that we may determine which of our translators is best suited for this job.
We will e-mail you with a quote for this work, and request a deposit at that time.

Additionally we will build a set of links in your introduction page to offer choice of language(s) and suggest any overall site changes which your visitor might find culturally objectionable.

(These translated pages will reside on your present server, and be accessible from your Home Page so no additional hosting fees will apply)